Product Defined / What It Does:
The Clean-Out-of-Place (COP) Parts Washer is ideal for cleaning process items, such as hoses, clamps, pipes, gaskets, valves, and other disassembled equipment parts that cannot be cleaned in place. When this is the case, you can choose the unreliable cleaning results of manual cleaning or achieve your sanitary cleaning goals with a reliable clean-out-of-place system.
Top Benefits of COP Parts Washer:
- Increase productivity by reducing manual labor.
- Process parts contained within the washer reduces part handling and damage that often occurs during manual cleaning
- High-velocity agitation is generated with specially manufactured sanitary jet manifolds for a complete clean.
- Various part basket designs available to meet your processing requirements
- Industry Standard Compliance: UL 508A, Authorized to Provide Canadian Registration Numbers (CRN), Helps meet FSMA and HACCP Sanitation Preventive Controls
Can be used to clean the following applications: hoses, gaskets, fittings, tubing, clamps, valves, filler components, impellers, casings, mixers, grinders, and pump rotors.